Get Lead Symphony Training

Basic Training You will need approximately 45 minutes to an hour to complete basic training. You can complete the self-guided video training, OR we offer private training for your first session.    Self-Guided Training The How To Use Lead Symphony page offers a video tutorial that you can pause or restart as much as you […]

How To Use Lead Symphony

Self-Guided Training Learn the basics of Lead Symphony. This page will help you understand how the software works, and teach you how to build a job story. Learn to easily organize project information and how to share job stories with customers.  Visit our Training Hub to register for upcoming advanced training sessions or see a complete […]

Create A Subdomain For Your Software

    Most websites use a subdomain to point to their Lead Symphony installation. A subdomain is an additional part added onto your existing primary domain name. For example, a domain looks like this: “” A subdomain looks like this “”   Your subdomain will be created in your main webhosting account. We can assist you […]